


Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust


Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust






Consultation, Design, Specification, Procurement, Fabrication, Installation


Consultation, Design, Specification, Procurement, Fabrication, Installation





Harrogate Hospital Wayfinding

We created a wayfinding strategy and delivered a complete scheme for Harrogate District Hospital.

Following a ‘first impressions’ report; based on our observations of the existing situation, we liaised with the Trust and appointment letters agency and set out a strategy and business case for their wayfinding - including costings, timings, and a process by which the project could be completed.

Having delivered a successful pilot scheme, we worked with the Trust’s estates team to create a phased installation schedule. We created all artwork, procured systems, and then, working with local, as well as our team, implemented the new system throughout the hospitals' main public thoroughfares.

Harrogate Hospital Wayfinding

We created a wayfinding strategy and delivered a complete scheme for Harrogate District Hospital.

Following a ‘first impressions’ report; based on our observations of the existing situation, we liaised with the Trust and appointment letters agency and set out a strategy and business case for their wayfinding - including costings, timings, and a process by which the project could be completed.

Having delivered a successful pilot scheme, we worked with the Trust’s estates team to create a phased installation schedule. We created all artwork, procured systems, and then, working with local, as well as our team, implemented the new system throughout the hospitals' main public thoroughfares.

  • Harrogate Hospital Wayfinding

Our ‘first steps’ document provided material from which we were able to run consultations with various groups, and then install a pilot scheme in one of the hospitals six wings

Hospital Wayfinding

The pilot scheme enable us to test both the addressing, and the sign family

Hospital Wayfinding

Our process of breaking this project down into a series of firm deadlines and sign-off points meant delivery was on time and budget

Hospital Wayfinding

A logical numbering system creates fixed, and unique, addresses

Hospital Wayfinding

A successful wayfinding strategy is not just about 'signs', but includes the creation of memorable waypoints

Hospital Wayfinding

Information points at public entrances and wing thresholds incorporate areas of strong colour, wayfinding, and other communications

Hospital Wayfinding
Hospital Wayfinding

Wing colour paintwork to doorways helps mark transitions between wings, and gives identity to areas of the hospital

Hospital Wayfinding
Hospital Wayfinding